Covid Relaxation Techniques

Akshata Terdal
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Coronavirus is spreading like crazy around the world.

You are hearing the news of people getting affected, some getting recovered and some reaching their final destination.

It is normal that we as humans are getting mentally stressed out due to the news and wondering when life will be back to normal.

Here are few things that you can do to imagine a better life ahead and reduce spreading the virus :

- The very first thing you can do is to Stay Home Stay Safe, do not step out of home unless it’s really necessary.

- Calm Yourself by doing the things that will make you feel better.

- Talk to someone and share your stress, feelings and thoughts. When you share them, you get an understanding whether to let go of the feeling, move on or come up with a plan as to how to deal with it.

Having said that, do not talk about the same things repeatedly (i.e., more than twice) to any individual. If you are still not able to come out of those feelings, it might be something you want to work through with a mental health professional.

- Don’t compromise on Sleep

- Don’t skip exercises. It’s not necessary that you go to Gym and exercise, there are other exercises such as walking, meditating, yoga, breathing exercises and a few others.

Do mention in the comment, if you want me to write on different breathing exercises I will be glad to share knowledge on it

While all the above-mentioned tips will definitely help, the need of the hour is a quick boost to your immunity system to keep it fighting fit.

Here are few simple things that you need to know about health maintenance :

- Stay Hydrated

- Intake fruits, vegetables and tablets which has content of Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc

* For Vitamin C, we can intake all the types of Citrus fruits, Papaya, Kiwi, Broccoli, Spinach, Almonds and others

* For Vitamin D, Yogurt, oranges, mushrooms, cereals or fortified cereals, egg yolks, oily fish and others

* For Zinc, nuts, dairy products, whole grains, beans, dark chocolate and others

* There are few tablets which contain all the 3 contents mentioned above, such as Limcee, ganoderma tablets, Geriforte tablets, multivitamin tablets and others. Limcee can be used by anyone as I personally take it along with my family. To be sure, you can approach any doctor or pharmacist and take the suggestions on the same.

- Inhale steam

- Avoid junk foods

- Last but not the least do include Ginger, Garlic, turmeric, red bell peppers in your food. I believe most of us do it as they are the basic ingredients which we commonly use

If you are still not sure how to balance a good diet, there are many platforms which will help you in it such as Curefit, healthifyme and few others.



Anything that’s taken in excess will definitely have an adverse effect on your health. So be cautious about it..!!

Hope this blog helps and do add on if there are any more suggestions, Stay Safe and Healthy Everyone.



Akshata Terdal
Akshata Terdal

Written by Akshata Terdal

Software Professional by Designation and a Community helper! :)

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